The company is basically depending on self-executing for our projects as far as we can , to be able to guarantee and dominate the ” Building Material , skilled technical labor, the quality of equipment and the technical level of the engineers and supervisors “. As a result, we can control the work quality and time schedule and reach to the economic cost for achieving the projects.
Excavation and earthmoving using loaders and trucks

Self-executing of concrete by using mixers capacities from 1.00m3 -100. M3 daily by using dumber trucks to move the concrete to its places.

On site Quality control labs to examine and control the raw materials of concrete and the end product.

Modern equipment for cutting and bending iron, which facilitates rapid processing and manufacturing procedures and installation of iron

Pre-designed metal scaffold to facilitate and accelerate the work.

Using self-erecting crane, easy to assemble and move that support in any open project.

Carefully Finishing and building facades paint is not more important than finishing construction and concrete works, both processes are equal in quality.

Excellent planning & preparing for the site is the main reason of the success of any projects in simple easy way.